Our Return Process is simple and hassle free. You can return your merchandise to our warehouse up to 90 days from your item's ship date.
Returned products must be in original condition, unworn/unused, and with original tags and labels still attached.
Once your returned item(s) arrive and are inspected, we will process your refund. You can expect this refund credited to your account within 2 business days, along with a confirmation email of your return. Original shipping charges are not included in the refunded price. Based on your financial institution, it can take up to 2 to 10 business days to reflect on your account statement once your refund is processed.
Please Note:
- If items are returned after our 90-day return policy, we will in most cases, not be able to accept your return. A merchandise credit or refund will not be credited to your account.
- Please review our other return instructions for Damaged or Incorrect Items.
- If you are looking to return a gift you received, please review our Gift Return for more information.
Return Instructions
You may return your merchandise to our warehouse up to 90 days from your item's ship date.
*Once your returned item(s) arrive and are inspected, we will process your refund. You can expect this refund credited to your account within 2 business days, along with a confirmation email of your return. Original shipping charges are not included in the refunded price. Based on your financial institution, it can take up to 2 to 10 business days to reflect on your account statement once your refund is processed.
Follow the instructions below to ensure we continue providing the best possible service.
- Please include with your Return your order number and a note with the reason for the return.
- Please use the carrier of your choice. Whichever carrier you choose, we suggest you insure the package and ship via a trackable method.
- Please ship your package to:
Collectible Supplies Return Department
2814 W. Wood St.
Paris, TN. 38242
Please Note:
- If items are returned after 90 days, we will not be able to accept your return and will donate your merchandise to a charity of our choice. A merchandise credit or refund will not be credited to your account.
- If you received the item as a gift, we will be happy to give you a store credit for the amount of the returned item. Please indicate this in a note with the return.
Our Guarantee
We consider the customer first in everything we do as you are our top priority! Without you, our valued customers, we wouldn’t be in business. We spend a lot of time listening to your feedback so we can provide the best possible shopping experience every step of the way. If something isn't right, or if you have a suggestion for how we could do something better, please let us know.
Our fan service advocates are committed to your satisfaction and view each time you contact us as a chance to build a relationship. We thrive on trust.
Our goal is that you will be 100% satisfied with your purchase from us. If for any reason you are not, we will correct the situation immediately. With us, you can shop with confidence! We've built a reputation for providing premium service and reliability, as well as everyday value and a huge assortment of the best brands.
If you are unsatisfied with your experience, please call us at (731) 924–4060 or email our fan service advocates directly at info@collectible-supplies.com.